“Godzhidoktor» ®. Pischevaritet – complex to the liver, stomach, pancreas, made from plants, which eliminate inflammatory, viral and infectious processes in the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and normalize the composition of own microflora, regulate bowel movement process, eliminate diarrhea and constipation, colitis and ulcerative changes, liver steatosis, the destruction of liver cells in the pancreas stones, pancreatitis, helminthiasis. Ingredients: fruit goji, saxifrage, rose hips, thoroughwax bark of aspen, fox, tansy, wormwood, goldenrod, thistle, usnea, flowers and fruits of sea buckthorn, color elderberry, lemon balm, chamomile, yarrow, calendula, St. John’s wort, immortelle, Veselka, color strawberries, couch grass, Russian thistle, angelica, dandelion, burdock. Method of application: 1 tea spoonful of product filled into the cup, pour boiling water, cover, leave 10 min. Take 1 cup 3 times a day. For therapeutic effect is recommended to take a drink 5 cups a day. Course – 30 days. Recommended 3 courses per year. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Fruits contain goji balanced natural complex, allowing to reduce weight without additional diets restore immunity, potency, improve mental and physical activity, prevent neoplastic changes in the digestive system, liver and pancreas. The berries are ready for use, do not require additional treatment. 5 goji berries satisfy the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals: vitamin A – vitamin E 30% – 10% Zn – 10% selenium – 10%. Mode of application: eat 5-6 fruits 3 times a day in between meals. Weight: 50g + 20g berries goji
Weight | 0.092 kg |
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