Stone oil 7 – unique enhanced complex based on an oil stone deep cleaning with addition of natural components intensive. Stone oil 7 helps restore the seven vital system components of the body: the endocrine system, the digestive system (stomach, esophagus, duodenum, rectum, liver, pancreas), urinary system, cardiovascular system and blood, nervous system, musculoskeletal propulsion system, the reproductive system of men and women. Ingredients: stone oil, Reishi mushroom, Artemia cysts, usnea filamentous, castoreum, grass sagaan-given, saxifrage, ognovka bee. Action Stone oil on the body is used from the time of the writing of the ancient Tibetan treatises. Stone oil exhibits high efficiency even under the most severe changes in the body. 7 Stone oil does not stimulate the immune system, and helps to normalize the immune responses of the body, thereby preventing the development of allergic, tumoral processes and other complications caused by the body’s immune response. Stone oil + 7 is suitable for use at any age for all family members: * chronic inflammatory processes; * Allergic processes, autoimmune changes; * In case of violation of the cardiovascular system, including birth defects; * In case of thyroid changes; * In the gastro-intestinal disorders, diarrhea, ulcers, gastritis; * Changes in liver and pancreas; * In patients with renal failure, pyelonephritis; * Impotence, degenerative changes of the prostate gland; * With hormonal disorders; * Chronic inflammation, bacterial and fungal processes in the organs of the urogenital system of men and women; * In case of violation of functions of movement, joint mobility; * In diabetes; * With cancer. Method of application: Inside: 3 dimensional spoon powder (0.3 g) to pour into the cup, top up to the mark with 30 ml of purified water at room temperature, stir and drink. It is recommended to apply on 1 glass of solution 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. The duration of the course of reception – 4 weeks. It is recommended that 4 courses per year. Topically in the form of compresses 3 dimensional spoon powder (0.3 g) to pour into the cup, top up to the mark with 20 ml of purified water at room temperature, stir to wet the fabric with the solution, to impose on a problematic area of the body in the form of a compress. Leave for 1-3 hours, then after removing the compress wipe dry towel. Recommended 3-5 packs a week, no more than 1 compress per day. To enhance the effect is recommended to use a natural anti-inflammatory cream series “Dobrodeya 7” Gum. Irrigation and rinsing mucous 1 measuring spoon powder (0.1 g) to pour into the cup, top up to the mark with 30 ml of purified water at room temperature, stir for rinsing and use the irrigation and purulent inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa, genital, nose . In inflammatory and infectious processes of the eye: 1 scoop powder (0.1 g) to pour into the cup, top up to the mark with 30 ml of purified water at room temperature mix. Apply 1 drop in the corners of the eyes 1-2 times a day. It can be used as lotions inflammatory and infectious processes of the eye. Stone oil +7 recommended for use in combination with balsam “Altai healer” for a better impact on the endocrine system: stone oil contributes to the regulation of activity of the endocrine system (thyroid, pituitary, ovaries and single cells). Thus, endocrine glands reduced normal functions, cause changes eliminated and prevented comorbidities. But for cancer began the synthesis, storage and release of biologically active substances in the blood stream, it is necessary to launch this mechanism – that is what makes the “Altai healer” for the full and harmonious recovery of organs and functions of the endocrine system. In addition, the activity of the endocrine system is impossible without an adequate immune system, which recovers and “Altai healer.” Recommendations Admission morning – 30 ml CM (stone oil) on an empty stomach, one tsp AC ( “Altaiskiy healer”) before breakfast for 20 minutes, not less than 40 minutes after receiving the CM. Lunch – 20 minutes before a meal – 1 tsp AC through 1 hour after a meal – 30 ml CM. Evening – 1 tsp AC 40 minutes before a meal, 40 minutes after meal – 30 ml CM. Course – 1 month. Break – 2 weeks and repeat the course – 1 month. Recommended 4 courses per year – for prevention, for treatment – if necessary. The CM on the digestive system: stone oil (KM) eliminates ulcers, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, helminth infections, stones, hemorrhoids changes. In conjunction with “Altai healer” (AD) affects the efficient cause, locks focus changes and restores normal function, enhances the regeneration of damaged organs cells normalizes lost or weakened functions and mechanisms of interaction with other bodies. Recommendations Admission 1 tsp.. Active site on an empty stomach for 40 minutes before meals 3 times daily, KM – 10 minutes before meals 3 times daily 30 ml. Course – 1 month. Break – 2 weeks and repeat the course – 1 month (therapeutic course admission). Prophylactic – 1 month without repeating, 4 courses per year. The CM on the urinary system: CM removes infections and bacteria. In combination with AC recovers bodies system runs an upgrade mechanism, and reproduction of cells. Recommendations for acceptance: in the morning on an empty stomach – 1 tsp CA, 15 min – 30 ml CM, after breakfast within 40 minutes as well. Lunch and evening – the same way. At night – 30 ml of KM. The action on the cardiovascular system and blood: KM improves blood rheology, updates the composition eliminates the infection, mycoplasmosis, foreign cells, and in combination with AC improves the condition of vessels, heart, prevents atherosclerosis, stroke, infarction, thrombosis, etc. Recommendations on reception: the morning on an empty stomach – 30 ml CM 20 min – 1 tsp AC, lunch – on an empty stomach – 30 ml CM 20 min – 1 tsp AC, 1 hour after a meal – 30 ml of the CM, the evening – in the morning. Effects on the nervous system: CM eliminates changes in the brain, nerves, acts on the cause and accompanying changes, AD launches reproduction mechanism of cell renewal, eliminates the cognitive and related disorders and changes in organs that are in communication with the nervous system. Recommendations for acceptance: in the morning before a meal – 1 tsp CA, 20 min – 30 ml CM 30 minutes after dinner – 1 tsp CA, 20 min – 30 ml of CM in the evening before the meal, in the morning and after meals in 20 min – 1 hr. l. AC through 1 hour – 30 ml CM before bed – 30 ml CM. Effect on locomotor system: KM eliminates the causes of movement disorders, inflammation, joint pain, and lower back (infection, inflammation, helminths, diabetes, etc.). Eliminates disturbances bodies which interact with the musculoskeletal system, in combination with AC effectively contributes to the restoration of problematic body (e.g., pain in the joints complex KM promotes restoration of AC quantity of synovial fluid in a joint, glucosamine normalization level within the it.d. cartilage), thereby to Plex additionally stimulates the body to restore and return the natural and normal functions of the system. Recommendations for Admission: morning – 1 tsp AC for 30 minutes before eating, after 30 minutes after a meal – 30 ml of KM, lunch and evening – the same way. Additional reception KM between lunch and dinner – 2 x 30 ml and at night before bed – 30 ml. Effect on the reproductive system of male and female: KM eliminates infections, bacteria, fungal and viral infections, mycoplasmosis, ie the factors that contribute to changes in male and female urinary organs, thus stopping the disease process, eliminate the cause and restore the normal mechanisms and functionality of the system, together with the active site launches natural systems processes (returns potency, hormonal and psycho-emotional status, education, ova and semen etc.) Recommendations for Admission: morning – 1 tsp AC for 30 minutes before eating, after 30 minutes after a meal – 30 ml of KM, lunch and evening – the same way. Supplementing CM and AD between lunch and dinner – 2 times an interval between the reception of the products for 15 minutes and at night before bed – 30 ml CM. Contraindications: individual intolerance components, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Storage Conditions: stored in a dry place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 3 years. TU 9190-009-67104832-11 Weight: 5 g
Weight | 0.024 kg |
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