Appointment of cosmetic products: hair, face, for mothers and babies; Age limit: 3+; Action: cleansing, nutrition; packing height: 10 cm; Packaging width: 10 cm; Item capacity: 500 ml; Weight unpackaged (g): 500 g; Weight Product packaging (g): 500 g; Options: soap; Brand Country: Russia; Country of origin: India Remedy is 100% of the fruits of the soap tree Sapindus Trifoliatus. Perfectly cleanses the hair and scalp while nourishing the hair from root to tip, helps to strengthen the hair. Regulates the activity of sebaceous glands. Eliminates wrinkles, pimples, lightens spots. A weak acid and does not wash away hair pigment. Hypoallergenic. Recommended for shampooing and bathing children, for people with sensitive and problem skin, in allergic diseases. Avoid contact with eyes! For umyaniya – razmylit shells and foam to wash my face. Hair – Soak fruits bag and wash their heads, good wetting with water.
Soap nuts (Sapindus Trifoliatus) Hair & Body 500g
SKU: WB2735050-parent
Category: Health cosmetics
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