“Siberian Larch tapping” with upland uterus – effective set of plant-based with a strong healing effect on women’s urogenital system, contributes to the prevention of inflammatory, infectious, fungal processes female genitourinary system and hormonal disorders. Ingredients: Siberian larch bark, rhizome of Dioscorea nipponskoy, clover flowers, fruits blueberries, root and leaves of Bergenia, upland grass of the uterus, yarrow, peony root deviating, mummy Altai cleaned, oil stone, larch turpentine. Natural product components effectively inhibit the occurrence and development of inflammatory, infectious, bacterial processes in the female urogenital system, normalize hormonal balance and menstrual cycle, changes prevent mucosal reproductive system (erosion) restore its own microflora mucous prevent thrush. The bark of Siberian larch – source Dihydroquercetin, reduces inflammation in the genitourinary system organs, restores hormonal balance, strengthens and regenerates connective tissue, promotes blood flow to the limbs, reduces cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots, strengthens the immune system , has expressed prevention of major aging diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases and others.), prevents not ativnost effects of alcohol and excess sugar in the blood on the functions of the genitourinary system, has a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulates the nervous processes. Rhizomes Dioscorus nipponskoy – prevent the formation of atherosclerotic changes of heart and brain blood vessels, varicose veins change, the development of hemorrhoids. Flowers clover – improve vascular compliance, prevent atherosclerotic changes, exert an antitumor effect, are used in allergic diseases, bronchitis, vitiligo. Blueberry – restore microcirculation and blood flow in the blood vessels and capillaries, prevent the development of infectious processes in the urogenital region, senile changes, help to restore vision, improve vision at dusk. Root and leaf Bergenia – prevent the development of candidiasis (thrush), contribute to reduce harmonic pressure reinforce vessel walls, normalize cardiac contraction, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, analgesic effect. upland grass of the uterus – and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the organs of the urogenital system, helps normalize hormone production, has analgesic effect, eliminates edema, erosion, irritation of the internal mucous membranes. Yarrow – has hemostatic, inflammatory, increases uterine contractions, normalizes the menstrual cycle. Peony root – has analgesic, antibacterial effect, is effective in mastitis, promotes resorption of nodes has a soothing effect. Altaian purified shilajit – has a tonic effect, eliminates the effects of high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and improves the general condition. Stone oil – in combination with components of vegetable product has a powerful reducing action on sexual functions of the system, a source of digestible minerals needed to normalize the production of female hormones, normalizes blood pressure, prevent fungal infection, inflammatory and infectious processes, has anthelmintic activity. “Siberian larch tapping” with upland uterus is safe and effective natural product for restoring the natural menstrual cycle and hormonal levels, eliminating inflammation, fungal and bacterial infections in the female urogenital region. The female body is more prone to infection and inflammation, most often complications occur in the ovaries and appendages. The inflammatory process occurs due to supercooling colds. The inflammatory process involved pipe adjacent organs. The disease is expressed in violation of ovarian function. Germs and bacteria can be entered and other organs, as well as disease are exposed to the intestine and peritoneum, blood and lymph nodes. The inflammatory process is transmitted in the ovary and the adjacent thereto fallopian tube. Speaking of ovarian inflammation, always refers to the inflammation of the uterus. Due to changes in the ovaries and appendages there is a violation of hormonal background, which can lead to serious complications of the female body – from menstrual disorders to infertility. “Siberian larch tapping” with upland uterus recommended: * of inflammatory processes ovarian appendages bladder; * Bacterial and fungal infections of the mucous internal genitalia (Thrush et al.); * In case of violation of the menstrual cycle, absence of menstruation or profuse discharge; * At pains during menstruation and inflammation; * When mastitis; * Instable blood pressure condition – contributes to the stabilization of the normal operating pressure for a long period; * With strong vascular spasm head, headaches – eliminates the pain, nausea and other symptoms caused by high blood pressure; * For the prevention of strokes and heart attacks; * For atherosclerotic changes in vessels of the brain and heart – to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots; * To improve the elasticity of blood vessels and veins, prevention and elimination of venous stasis, varicose veins of the changes, spider veins; * Migraine, nausea, dizziness. Method of application: 1 capsule three times a day 30 minutes before meal. The recommended course of reception – 30 days. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. Storage: Store in a dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Nutritional information: proteins – 1 g / 100 g fat -2 g / 100 g of carbohydrate – 3 g / 100 g mineral components – 4 g / 100 g Energy: 40 kcal / 100 g of TU 9185-014-67104832-12 Weight 30 vegetable capsules of 500 mg
Siberian larch tapping with upland uterus. A new cycle (capsules)
SKU: SM793
Category: Sashera (Supplements)
Weight | 0.032 kg |
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