“Siberian Larch tapping” with chestnut and St. John’s wort – a natural vegetable complex of plant-based and natural ingredients, has a marked tonic effect on the venous circulation, corrective action when hemorrhoidal changes. Ingredients: Siberian larch bark, rhizome of Dioscorea nipponskoy, clover flowers, fruits blueberries, root and leaves of Bergenia, chestnuts, herb St. John’s wort, mummy Altai cleaned, oil stone, larch turpentine. Natural product components effectively prevent venous insufficiency, stasis in the veins, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, cramps, trophic disorders, acute hemorrhoidal attack. Cora Siberian larch – source Dihydroquercetin, has potent anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, strengthens and regenerates connective tissue, helps reduce cholesterol levels, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood circulation, prevents clot formation, reduces inflammation in the urogenital organs, strengthens the immune system protects against the harmful effects of the stomach and liver, stimulates gastric mucosal regeneration process has a marked prevention of major diseases of aging (cancer , cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases and others.), increases the resistance of body tissue to damaging effects of alcohol and excess soderzh Ania blood sugar, reduces the likelihood of diabetes, as well as easier for evolved forms, has a positive effect on the nervous system, it stimulates the nervous processes. Rhizomes Dioscorus nipponskoy – prevent the formation of atherosclerotic changes of heart and brain blood vessels, varicose veins change. Flowers clover – improve vascular compliance, prevent atherosclerotic changes, exert an antitumor effect, are used in allergic diseases, bronchitis, vitiligo. Blueberry – restore microcirculation and blood flow in the blood vessels and capillaries, promote restoration of vision, prevent senile changes, improve vision at dusk. Root and leaf Bergenia – contribute harmonious reduce pressure reinforce vessel walls, normalize cardiac contraction, anti-inflammatory effect. The fruits of the chestnut – in combination with the components of the product reduces the extensibility of the veins, increase the tone of veins, prevent venous congestion, improve lymphatic flow, reduce the permeability of capillaries. The herb St. John’s wort – in combination with the components of the product helps to relieve swelling in the feet and ankles, eliminates the “stars” and “capillary webs”, heaviness in the legs, tingling, itching. Altaian purified shilajit – has a tonic effect, eliminates the effects of high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and improves the general condition. Stone oil – in combination with components of vegetable product has a powerful reducing action on the cardiac and vascular function, a source of digestible minerals needed for normal operation of the heart, improve blood rheology, and normalizes blood pressure. Russian research in the field of phlebology indicate that chronic venous insufficiency symptoms are determined every second of Russians aged 20 to 50 years, moreover from 5 to 15% of the population suffers from chronic venous insufficiency decompensated that 4% of cases accompanied by trophic ulcers. The prevalence of this pathological condition caused by bipedal locomotion, as a result of which an increased load on the veins of the lower extremities is practically inevitable. “Siberian Larch tapping” with chestnut and St. John’s wort contributes to the effective elimination of venous stasis, varicose veins, edema, and recommended: * for varicose veins of the extremities; * Lymphovenous chronic insufficiency of the lower limbs; * Thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis; * With edema; * To restore the tone of the venous wall; * Hemorrhoids, particularly in the acute stage; * At Spider veins on the body and face; * Trophic changes; * At high physical loads on their feet – for the prevention of varicose changes and hemorrhoids; * With cramps, tired legs – helps to normalize blood circulation, relieve fatigue, edema. Method of application: 1 capsule three times a day 30 minutes before meal. The recommended course of reception – 30 days. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. Storage: Store in a dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Nutritional information: proteins – 1 g / 100 g fat – 2 g / 100 g of carbohydrate – 3 g / 100 g mineral components – 4 g / 100 g Energy: 40 kcal / 100 g of TU 9185-014-67104832-12 Weight 30 vegetable capsules of 500 mg Method of application: 1 capsule three times a day 30 minutes before meal. The recommended course of reception – 30 days. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. Storage: Store in a dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Nutritional information: proteins – 1 g / 100 g fat – 2 g / 100 g of carbohydrate – 3 g / 100 g mineral components – 4 g / 100 g Energy: 40 kcal / 100 g of TU 9185-014-67104832-12 Weight 30 vegetable capsules of 500 mg Method of application: 1 capsule three times a day 30 minutes before meal. The recommended course of reception – 30 days. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. Storage: Store in a dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Nutritional information: proteins – 1 g / 100 g fat – 2 g / 100 g of carbohydrate – 3 g / 100 g mineral components – 4 g / 100 g Energy: 40 kcal / 100 g of TU 9185-014-67104832-12 Weight 30 vegetable capsules of 500 mg
Siberian larch tapping with chestnut and St. John’s wort. New veins (capsule)
Weight | 0.032 kg |
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