Liposomal cream filter with marine collagen Sachel® Liposal ‘-Specially designed liposomal cream-filter based on the formula of native organic active plant concentrates structures reinforced ultratransdermalnym natural UV filter on the basis of natural origin patented formula of marigold extracts, Kigelia, kudzu, tomatoes , myrothamnus, papaya, sea collagen. 50 ml Cream filter is 100% organic formula, each component of the cream has a certain effect on the barrier, immune, antioxidant function of the skin, natural moisturizing factors. The complex of all components maximizes regulating action on the skin: * under intense UV irradiation provides Simultaneous incorporation into the extracellular matrix of natural UV filter and the activation of natural factors antioxidation, prevention of photoaging of the skin; * At disturbance of metabolic processes of the skin of exogenous, endogenous stress factors, increased evaporation of moisture from the skin – Prevents dryness, hypersensitivity; * With hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands of the skin -improves drainage capabilities, prevents inflammation, comedogenic effects, evens out skin tone, prevents shine; * When activated the generation of free radicals as a result of UV exposure, stress, smoking, and the metabolic processes – prevents premature skin aging. Natural UV filter – a patented formula of marigold extracts, Kigelia, kudzu, tomatoes, myrothamnus, papaya, marine collagen. Complex natural UV filter in the structure of the liposome provides multi-level protection against UV radiation in different wavelength ranges, capable of causing photo-aging of the skin and the degradation of elastin and collagen. Marine collagen in the composition of the liposome is both natural UV protection factor and activator synthesis of collagen. In clinical testing revealed additional regenerating effect – cream promotes healing of wounds, scarring, burns. Composition: native concentrates marigold, Kigelia, kudzu, tomatoes, myrothamnus, papaya, marine collagen extract pink broom, a fern, hazel, Tribulus, spirulina, DNA of salmon, embliki, Ruscus, Stellaria, Potentilla, kustusa oil mongongo, Abyssinian oil, sea buckthorn oil Mafuru, Reishi polysaccharides, oyster, glycine, an extract of Monarda, calcium pantothenate, naupi oil, moringa oil, coconut juice, bisabolol. How to use: Apply the cream on the dotted area of the face, neck, shoulders, parts of the body, exposed to UV radiation, light massage movements rub into the skin. Liposomal collagen takes some time to be embedded in the skin. When applied to the skin cream turns into a mass of white, which must be carefully rub. After rubbing white mass will be sticky feeling, which shows collagen interaction with epidermal cells. A few minutes pass tackiness, indicating incorporation of collagen into the cell matrix. The skin then becomes smooth and silky. Biogenic liposomal filter formula to prevent “external aging” of the body, due to the cumulative effect of exposure to UV radiation during the year prevents the UV signs of aging: wrinkles *; * Dis- zone and hyperpigmentation (freckles, lentigo, when foci drop-visible gipomelanoze); * Elastosis, atrophy of the epidermis and changes in collagen and elastin fibers, stop the progressive nature of the changes of collagen structures with prolonged exposure to the sun; * Pathological changes in the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, resulting in a change in the topography of the skin; * Thinning of the epidermis. The liposome formula with natural UV filter helps to prevent melanoma and causes pathological changes in the skin cells thoracic glands. Nutrient cream formula helps simultaneously restore the normal cell update process of the epidermis, which is slowed by 30-50% while in the conditions of UV irradiation. Clinical testing of cream in a group of men and women aged 20 to 60 years, exposed to constant sunlight, during the month showed the following results: * 40% reduction of wrinkles; * Accelerating skin renewal cell cycle -67%; * Elimination of areas dispigmentation -80%; * Improvement of the elastic characteristics of the skin -65%. When clinical testing in children cream likelihood of freckles was 30-40% less compared to children who did not use a sunscreen. Cream native organic does not contain preservatives, hormones, medicinal, genetically modified substances not addictive, hypoallergenic. The cream may be used as a day and night cream, as well as a base under make-up. Native cream formula has a regulatory effect in the individual function disorders and skin conditions. Natural cream filter has a complete penetration into the skin, assimilation, dissolving in the extracellular medium. Can be used in children. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C in places remote from direct sunlight. Shelf life: 2 years. TU 20.42.15-558-67104832-2019 Cream filter native Sachel Liposal
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