Collection extraordinary tea plants and compositions for Men Women daytime and evening blend Sashel® harmony for Women – multikompleksny tea based on a balanced formula of the active structures of plants, fruits and flowers endemic collected manually between a maximum biological activity aimed at regulation of metabolic processes, preventing the negative impact of the physical, psycho-emotional stress, stressful situations, the body’s aging factors and abnormalities in the condition of the organ s urogenital system cycle as a result of psychosomatic disorders. Multikompleksnaya tea formula is designed to meet the body’s biorhythms women within a month. The tea is recommended for the reception in the afternoon, in the evening to restore the psycho-emotional balance and metabolic processes, prevention of hormonal balance, lipid metabolism, the body’s aging factors on the background of psychogenic factors, adverse exogenous and endogenous processes. The tea has a pleasant mild herbal taste with hints of elite green tea, floral-fruity aftertaste, contributes to: * eliminate the psychological and emotional lability, the effects of stress, restore balance, prevention of psychosomatic disorders, which are in 90% of cases the primary cause of early menopause, cycle disorders, aging, complications the digestive, immune, urinary systems; * Eliminate irritability, PMS symptoms; * Elimination of pain symptoms of smooth muscles of the urogenital system; * Intensify anabolic processes in the night, related to energy consumption and the synthesis of hormones and other vital substances for coherent communication systems and organs; * Prevent the formation of adipocytes – fat fat cells by enhancing the anabolic processes that restore the natural control factors of body weight, prevent weight gain and body fat; * Regulation of carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism in the second half of the day and night; * The regulation of blood glucose levels; * Increase in muscle tone, prevent the processes causing tissue lipodystrophy (cellulite); * Neutralize toxic substances and medicinal, alimentary, alcoholic, stress origin, preventing toxicity, allergic reactions, chronic fatigue, hangover; * Improve blood rheology; * Restore the balance of hormones; * Improve cerebral circulation, prevent hypoxia; * Regulation of vascular tone wall cardiac rhythm normalizing the blood pressure, the prevention of atherosclerotic vascular changes; * Proper rest during sleep; * Improvement of metabolic processes in the skin, the skin condition; * Activation of immune cells of organs and tissues, prevention of infection and bacterial processes, increase resistance to external adverse factors; * Positive effect on the function and condition of the thyroid gland; * Regulation of redox processes, activation dividing healthy cells, eliminate age-related changes, prevention of the aging factors; * Prevention of pathological changes in the cells; * Regulation of digestive factors, elimination of stagnant processes, normalization of intestinal motility and organs of the digestive system; * Improve the condition of hair, nails and skin; * Prevent visual loss. Daily tea technique helps restore balance work and metabolic systems and organs, prevention of pathological disorders of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, urinary, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal systems. Composition: Gaba Alishan, Kudinov, Guan Yin, linden, hazel, lungwort, clover, hops, heather, jasmine, blackberry leaves, buckwheat, ortiliya sided, meadowsweet, Thlaspi, Stellaria, currant sheet bloodroot, dogwood, cranberry, hyssop, pineapple slices, knotweed, fireweed, strawberry slices, blueberries fruits and shoots of sea buckthorn leaf, acerola, rose hips, hawthorn, figs, nettles, wild yam, dates, fruit, mulberry pieces, carob fruit, lathraea, wintergreen, marjoram, sanguisorba, nettle, cuff, primrose, melilot, lavender, amaranth, cranberries, use: 1 tablespoon tea spoon sieve and placed in a flow way to pour hot water into the cup through a sieve. With the passage of hot water through a sieve drink gets unique taste and bouquet of herb flavors. Tea can be used 15 times, it does not lose biological, digestive and taste ratio. It is recommended to take in the afternoon, if necessary, possible reception in the morning. Tea recommended for daily use as a control and preventive natural beverage. Tea contains no hormones, synthetic, genetically modified, medicinal substances, preservatives, non-addictive, It promotes full recovery liquid level in the body and regulation of potassium ion and a sodium ion exchange. Sashel® biorhythm for women – refined tea collector based on a balanced composition of active plant structures endemic fruits and flowers, exotic fruit collected during maximum biological activity manually. Balanced tea formula is designed to meet the biological rhythms of the female body during the day and the month. The tea is recommended for the reception in the morning. Multikompleksny the tea is balanced by the action on the organs of the immune, digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems, helps to optimize the metabolic processes in the female body during the day, restoring the balance of the digestive, endocrine, immune, neyroprotsessov, improve physical and mental abilities and organism resistance to the effects of endogenous and exogenous negative factors. The balanced formula of tea has a selective effect on the individual changes in the body, it helps to: * improve the physical, mental alertness in the daytime; * Regulation of psycho-emotional state, prevent irritability, eliminate depression; * Regulation functions and endocrine status – regulation of the optimum ratio of hormonal balance, lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; * Activate the digestive processes; * Activation of catabolic processes, accompanied by the release of energy and increase physical, mental, sexual opportunities; * Increase endurance; * Adequate perception of stressful situations and prevent the negative effects of stress; * Normalization of blood pressure; * Elimination of cognitive dissonance; * To increase libido; * PMS prevention, psychological discomfort; * Restoration of natural processes cycle regulation, eliminate the complications of genitourinary background processes, pain symptoms; * Regulation of functions and the state of the pelvic organs, normalization of blood circulation, eliminate stagnant processes. Tea recommended for daily use as a tonic and regulating the natural beverage. Ingredients: Tie Guan Yin green, Tie Guan Yin red, chrysanthemum, blackberry leaves, rose buds, bloodroot, willow, meadowsweet, strawberry fruit, pineapple fruit, artichokes, raspberry leaf, shoots blueberry, Labrador tea, hazelnut, lemongrass, ginseng, dogwood, chickweed, jasmine, ortiliya sided, parsnips, Rhodiola is cold, lungwort, dead-nettle, chicory, saxifrage, lovage, cuff, amaranth, acerola. Method of application: 1 tablespoon tea spoon sieve and placed in a flow way to pour hot water into the cup through a sieve. With the passage of hot water through a sieve drink gets unique taste and bouquet of herb flavors. Tea can be used 15 times, it does not lose biological, digestive and taste ratio. It is recommended to take in the morning, possible reception in the evening if necessary. Tea contains no hormones, synthetic, genetically modified, medicinal substances, preservatives, non-addictive, promotes full restoration of the liquid level in the body and regulation of potassium ion and a sodium ion exchange. Exquisite original taste of elite green tea, First shoots of the tea bush with hints of fruity-floral bouquet, sweet aftertaste leaves a feeling of pleasure, it energizes the whole day, improves the psycho-emotional state, and helps to prevent the negative effects of exogenous and endogenous factors. Daily intake collector tea helps maintain the balance of metabolic and endocrine processes, prevention of aging factors and pathological states of cells and systems. Sashel® harmony for men – multikompleksny tea on the basis of a balanced formula of active structures of plants, fruits and flowers endemic collected manually during peak biological activity, aimed at the regulation of metabolic processes, prevention of the negative impact of the physical, psycho-emotional stress, stressful situations, the body’s aging factors . reducing sexual opportunities as a result of psychosomatic disorders. Multikompleksnaya tea formula is designed to meet the biological rhythms of the body of men recommended for use in the afternoon, in the evening to restore the psycho-emotional balance and metabolic processes, prevent impotence on the background of psychogenic factors, adverse exogenous and endogenous processes. The tea has a pleasant mild herbal taste with hints of elite green tea, floral and tobacco aftertaste, it contributes to: the elimination of mental and emotional overstimulation, rebalancing, prevention of psychosomatic disorders, which are in 90% of cases the root cause of impotence; activation of anabolic processes in the night, related to energy consumption and the synthesis of hormones and other vital substances for coherent communication systems and organs; preventing the formation of adipocytes – fat fat cells by enhancing the anabolic processes, the recovery factor of natural control of body weight, prevent weight gain and body fat: * regulation of carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism in the second half of the day and night; * The regulation of blood glucose levels; * Increase in muscle tone, elimination of night cramps; * Neutralize toxic substances and medicinal, alimentary, alcoholic, stress origin, preventing toxicity, allergic reactions, chronic fatigue, hangover; * Improve blood rheology; * Restore the balance of hormones; * Improve cerebral circulation, prevent hypoxia; * Regulation of vascular tone wall cardiac rhythm normalizing the blood pressure, the prevention of atherosclerotic lesions in blood vessels; * Proper rest during sleep; * Improvement of metabolic processes in the skin, the skin condition; * Activation of immune cells of organs and tissues, prevention of infection and bacterial processes, increase resistance to external adverse factors; * Regulation of redox processes, activation dividing healthy cells, eliminate age-related changes, prevention of the aging factors; * Prevention of pathological changes in the cells; * Regulation of digestive factors, elimination of stagnant processes, normalization of intestinal motility and digestive system. Admission tea daily helps to restore the balance of work and metabolic systems and organs and prevention of pathological disorders of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, urinary, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal systems. Ingredients: Gaba Alishan, Kudinov, Tie Guan Yin, osmanthus, blackberry leaves, buckwheat, sainfoin, Thlaspi, chickweed, currant leaves, cinquefoil, dogwood, pineapple slices, knotweed, fireweed, strawberry slices, blueberries fruits and shoots of sea buckthorn leaf, acerola , rose hips, hawthorn, figs, nettles, chicory, Tribulus, lovage, persimmon, hazel, mulberry, juniper fruit, carob, red root. Method of application: 1 tablespoon tea spoon sieve and placed in a flow way to pour hot water into the cup through a sieve. With the passage of hot water through a sieve drink gets unique taste and bouquet of herb flavors. Tea can be used 15 times, it does not lose biological, digestive, gustatory ratio. It is recommended to take in the afternoon, if necessary, possible reception of tea in the morning. Tea recommended for daily use as a control and preventive natural beverage. It does not contain hormones, synthetic, genetically modified, medicinal substances, preservatives, non-addictive, promotes full restoration of the liquid level in the body and regulation of potassium ion and a sodium ion exchange. Sashel® biorhythm for men – tea beverage, specially developed for men, taking into account biological rhythms of the male body during the day and the month. Blending of vegetable raw materials and the composition is balanced multikompleksny charge is aimed at restoring the balance of the metabolic processes, functions, and status of the digestive, immune, endocrine, genitourinary, nervous system, the state of the musculoskeletal system, and skin. The composition of elite herbs and endemic plant presented only active structure of plants collected in the period of maximum activity. Formula tea has complete assimilation, selective corrective action when individual organism deviations from the norm caused by various endogenous and exogenous factors. Each ingredient is balanced with other tea components on the Effects on body systems and cumulative effects. Biogenic effect is determined by various processing plant raw material, raw materials are present in the native composition, as well as plants, fermented in different environments and in different cycles. Tea drink is recommended for the reception in the morning and during the day, it promotes natural regeneration of balanced performance, mental, physical, sexual activity, prevention of the negative effects of stress factors, endogenous and exogenous negative impacts. Formula beverage Sachel Biorhythm men has a regulating effect on biohimicheckie natural processes in the body throughout the day, age and prevents the development of oxidative factors. Ingredients: red root, evrikoma, Cnidium Monnier, sainfoin, the fruits of Schisandra, holly, fruit saw palmetto, parsnips, savory, Dan Cong, bark candy tree, blackberry leaves, leaf buckthorn, Tie Guan Yin, Reishi, rooibos, game, fruits African melon, wild yam, fruit Malay apple, the fruits of juniper, chestnut color. Method of application: a cup of boiling water rinse; 1 teaspoon of dry tea beverage pour into a sieve, place it on a cup and pour hot water flow manner so as to pass through a dry tea in the cup; leave for 2 minutes. Remove the strainer, prepared to take a drink in small sips to fully feel and flavor-disclosure. It is recommended to take 2-3 cups a day. Biogenic tea contains no artificial, medicinal, genetically modified substances, preservatives, perfumes, flavoring agents, hormones, non-addictive, has no hypnotic, sedative and other side effects. Biogenic tea Sachel Biorhythm for men is recommended for reception in conjunction with Sachel tea Harmony for men, designed for the reception in the evening. Complex action blended formulas daytime and evening tea has a multifactorial regulating effect on the function and condition of problematic organs, regenerating effect on the metabolism, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, immunoprotektornoe action. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Amount: ’60
Weight | 0.16 kg |
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