Shelf life: 8 months; The maximum storage temperature: +25 ° C; The minimum storage temperature: +2 ° C; Oil View: linen; Packaging: glass bottle; Packaging Depth: 6.7 cm; Packaging height: 3.2 cm; Packaging width: 13 cm; Weight Product packaging (g): 235 g; Energy value of the calories (100 gr.): 865 calories; Nutritional Value Fat: 95.26 g / 100g; Nutritional value proteins: 0.55 g / 100g; Nutritional value carbohydrates: 0.43 g / 100g; Volume (ml): 100 ml; Packaging: glass; Brand Country: Russia; Country of origin: Russia Promotes weight loss, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular oil consumption of beneficial effects on the majority of the body’s systems. The oil contains large amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids and omega-6. It helps normalize lipid metabolism, reduces the risk of stroke, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the state of bones, teeth and nails, has an antioxidant effect. Outwardly oil is used to soften the skin of the face and body, hair growth and healing burns, wounds, etc.
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