Appointment of cosmetic products: body; Age limit: 16+; Action: antioxidant, rejuvenating, power; packing height: 14 cm; Packaging Width: 4 cm; Item capacity: 150 ml; Weight Product packaging (g): 165 g; Packaging: bottle; Brand Country: India; Country of origin: India Trifaladi tile (Triphaladi Thailam Oil) – classic Ayurvedic oil used in India for hundreds of years. This composition restores the balance of the three doshas, and therefore has the broadest application. Trifaladi tile has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, relaxing, anti-aging actions. Calms the nervous system, eliminates toxins and restores the immune system, gives joint mobility, relieves muscle spasms and soothes irritated skin. It is a light aphrodisiac and helps restore the confidence and peace of mind and body. Used for daily massage, facial care, hair and scalp. During the massage heads are headaches, pain in the neck, the hair is healthy. Application method: room temperature, to use oil for massage head. For oil body massage preheat. Leave after the massage for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For rinsing, use ayurvedic shampoo or soap. Leave after the massage for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For rinsing, use ayurvedic shampoo or soap. Leave after the massage for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For rinsing, use ayurvedic shampoo or soap.
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