Appointment of cosmetic products: body; Age limit: 16+; Action: warming, relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation; packing height: 14 cm; Packaging Width: 4 cm; Item capacity: 150 ml; Weight Product packaging (g): 165 g; Packaging: bottle; Brand Country: India; Country of origin: India Oil Kottamchukkadi (Kottamchukkadi Thailam Oil) gives people the power of twelve specially treated plants, included in its composition. Due to these forces Kottamchukkadi soothes burning and pain, reduces swelling and numbness, helps when the muscle pulls and twists. Kottamchukkadi recommended use for prophylaxis of rheumatic diseases, for the consolidation and rejuvenation organs exposed to these diseases. This oil can be used in the fatigue of muscles and joints. It improves blood circulation, It gives a relaxing effect. It is used for edema, obesity, quick. Used in local and general massage.
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