“Zoogloea Naturonik®” – natural cream-based spray micelles juice, organelle structures and plant oils, enriched concentrates of natural components with an integrated protective action of biting insects (mosquitoes, gnats Tabanidae), additional anti-inflammatory, antitoxic effect when kulitsidoze, Insect allergies, enthomosis. The main active ingredient of natural cream – native complementary extract zoogloeas, dragonfly larvae, micelles cellular structures geranium with a natural natural mosquito repellent and the mosquitoes effect. Zoogloeas ability to prevent invasion of insects and mosquitoes compared with dragonfly ability to destroy millions of mosquitoes per day. Native formula of the cream is the molecular structure of the natural unmodified biologically active substances, showing the action at the cellular level, in accordance with human biorhythms, do not upset the balance and harmony of the natural processes. Natural cream-spray is recommended to be used outdoors and indoors: * to repel biting insects – mosquitoes, black flies, horse flies, ticks; * Repellent household bugs; * To eliminate inflammation and allergic reaction resulting from the bites, toxic substances, eliminate symptoms of dermatosis, eczema through the bite; * UV protection against photoaging and sunburn; * For the healing of wounds, burns; * Edema of various origins; * For food, skin hydration with a long stay in the open air; * With rashes on the skin, acne, acne is caused by climate change and finding the air; * To prevent skin pigmentation. “Zoogloea Naturonik®” – organic natural spray cream does not contain synthetic, chemical, medicinal, genetically modified substances, preservatives and hormones, has no teratogenic, non-addictive, is not irritating to the skin cells, has no effect on cerebral neyrofunktsii, It has no effect on memory, mental alertness, cognitive function, can be applied to children with infants and young children , pregnant women. Native Complex-spray cream containing the natural unmodified formula active parts of plants and natural components of biological complexes possessing adequate compatibility with epidermal cells, complete assimilation, a complex effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, dermal layer, tone of blood vessels subcutaneous fat contributes: * Scaring mosquitoes as a result of the natural complex of cream on the nerves of insects; * Elimination of itching; * Eliminate redness; * Elimination of an allergic reaction to the bite; * Eliminate the inflammation of the skin due to insect bites; * Elimination of edema; * Normalization of vascular tone and capillaries subcutis, preventing spider veins, bruises; * Optimize the metabolic processes of the skin cells, prevent burning, dryness, cracking; * Prevention of photoaging of the skin by the action of UV radiation; * Neutralize poison, sources of bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic skin infections, which are the carriers of mosquitoes and blood-sucking insects; * Normalization of bacterial skin background; * Moisturize and nourish the skin; * Elimination of bleeding; * Healing of wounds, burns; * Neutralization of toxic substances in contact with poisonous plants; * Neutralizing toxins through the bite of the serpent; * Elimination of edema bites bees, horseflies, bees, wasps. Composition: native extracts zoogloeas larvae dragonfly, lavender, wheatgrass, walnut leaves, basil, horsetail, peppermint, fir, thuja, geranium, lemon oil, sea buckthorn seed oil amaranth oil, castor, musk beaver concentrate Centella asiatica, tomato, grape seeds, marigold, clover, chamomile, yarrow, calendula, lofanta, dandelion, Bergenia, embliki, mulberry, cedar sap, propolis, royal jelly. Method of application: using the nebulizer apply the cream to the open and closed areas of the skin, to distribute light massage. Can be applied to all skin fate – face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, and on the hair and scalp. It is recommended to thoroughly distribute the cream on all areas of the body where the bites are possible. Repellent effect appears immediately after applying the cream, duration – 2 hr. If required, recommended re-application of the cream. Nutrient Cream safe, natural, contains no toxic hazardous substances, does not accumulate in the tissues of the skin, it does not affect the blood vessels, tissue trophism. Can be used for children from 1 year and younger. Native Nutrient Cream Spray keep extraordinary natural essential oils, which, in contact with the skin acquire individual flavor, which remains on the skin for 5 hours. Natural action of essential oils enhances mood, normalization of psycho-emotional state, quietly going to sleep and deep sleep. Repellent action against the insects cream remains on the skin after bathing in the reservoirs as a result of nutrient cream complex which is embedded in the epidermal cells and remains active for 2 hours. Natural Nutrient Cream Spray is recommended as an everyday means of safe natural skin care and skin protection when exposed to the open air at any time of the year. Biogenic natural complex helps the skin to maintain metabolism, moisten skin structure, to prevent possible violations as a result of external factors, climatic conditions. In winter, the cream is recommended to prevent skin dryness, cracking, bleeding, frostbite. Dosing in winter time: a cream applied before going out on the exposed areas of the skin for 10 minutes. After finding a outdoors recommended again applied to prevent dryness and the pathological state resulting from weather conditions. The cream can be applied to the lips to prevent dryness and cracking, Zayed, herpes virus infection. Biogenic normalizes the cream composition of the skin microflora, prevents the development of pathogens, bacteria, eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat, body odor caused by bacterial imbalance. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25? C at locations remote from direct sunlight. Shelf life: 2 years. Perhaps the separation of cream and the formation of soft pellets, which indicate the origin of natural cream, does not affect the quality and safety of the cream, they are indicative of damage. Volume: 60 ml. does not affect the quality and safety of the cream, they are indicative of damage. Volume: 60 ml. does not affect the quality and safety of the cream, they are indicative of damage. Volume: 60 ml.
Naturonik® Zoogloea native natural cosmetic cream, 60 ml
SKU: SM1747
Category: Sachera (Cosmetics)
Weight | 0.078 kg |
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