Natural honey stewed fruit soft “Mountain blagodat® graceful” contains vegetable complex that normalizes metabolism, promotes harmonic correction, enhances the process of purification of the digestive system. Ingredients: water, honey, rose hips, honeysuckle Altaian fruits, fruit blueberry extract succession, shrubby tea extract, yarrow extract, ascorbic acid, extract castoreum, stone oil. Altai Honey – combined with mountain rosehip, honeysuckle Altaian fruits and blueberry beneficial effect in congestive processes in the digestive organs, bloating, eliminates heaviness in the stomach, enhances motility and cleansing the digestive system. The fruits of mountain hips – a natural source of vitamin C and pectin, providing a slight laxative effect. The fruits of honeysuckle Altai and blueberry fruit – in the complex helps to improve digestion and normalize the intestinal microflora, reduce the absorption of fat and lower levels of “bad” cholesterol, have a positive effect on the metabolism, promote the binding and removal of toxins, radionuclides and heavy metals from the body. Extract succession – has a positive effect on diverse metabolic processes, enhances the action broths components influencing the reduction in weight. Kurilian tea extract – stimulates intestinal microflora contributes to elimination of allergy to foods has a positive effect on the functional state of the liver, it possesses antidiabetic effect. Yarrow Extract – relieves discomfort of flatulence, relieves pain in the stomach, intestine, urinary tract. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – contributes to the maintenance system body muscle tone, preventing the formation of cellulite. The extract was castoreum – natural component having intense tonic effect, contributes to the rapid decrease of subcutaneous fat and strengthen the skin turgor, elimination disorders proportions and contour of the body caused by cellulite. Stone oil – natural component promotes intense and harmonious immune reconstitution, has a strong anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effect, has no adverse side effects. Method of application: it is recommended to use 2 tea spoons product 3 times a day before meals or added to water, tea, coffee or any other liquid. Contraindications: idiosyncrasy components. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years from date of manufacture. Nutritional information: carbohydrates, g / 100 g – 45 g fat, g / 100 g – 0 g proteins / 100g g -0 organic acids, g / 100 g – 0,5 g Energy value 182 kcal / 100g TU 9185-002-67104832-13 volume: 250 mL
Weight | 0.592 kg |
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