Appointment of cosmetic products: body; Age limit: 10+; Action: antioxidant; Package depth: 12 cm; packing height: 40 cm; Packaging width: 17 cm; Item capacity: 1000 ml; Weight unpackaged (g): 500 g; Weight Product packaging (g): 1,000 g; Packaging: bottle, instructions, sealed bag with a mass piece of fabric; Brand Country: Russia; Country of origin: Russia Milk mushroom has many useful properties, that’s just a partial list of them: increased immunity and tone; normalization of metabolism; wound healing; relieve symptoms of cardiovascular disease, and even their complete cure; normalization of intestinal microflora; smazmoliticheskoe impact; enhances sexual activity, rejuvenates the body as a whole; promotes resorption of benign tumors; ability to excrete antibiotic, reduce side effects of drugs; It inhibits the growth of cancer cells; increased focus, improved memory; ability to lower blood sugar in diabetes mellitus content (only with the proviso that this time is not applicable insulin); Used at constant Tibetan milk mushroom can heal the ulcer and colitis, relief from pulmonary diseases, freedom from renal disease, liver and gallbladder.
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