“Naturonik» ® organelle-droplet native sage Master throat spray – specially designed formula based on dropping form microstructures juice green parts and plant roots, nutrient concentrates, natural components directed to the sources of inflammation of the throat and larynx viral, bacterial, fungal origin, related complications, the activity of immune cells, blood purification processes and lymph, mucous membranes. “Naturonik» ® Master throat recommended for irrigation of a throat spray. Micro-nutrient native structure of the complex are the natural unmodified form of juice, plant cell elements having biological compatibility with human tissue cells, complete assimilation in the cellular fluids and simultaneously neutralizing effect on the sources of infection and the possibility of immune cells of the organism tissue, contribute to: * elimination streptococcal and staphylococcal infection of the throat, causing acute tonsillitis (angina); * Elimination of fungal infection (genus Candida) throat, causing inflammation of the lymph nodes, cough; * Neutralize the sources of viral infection – adenovirus, enterovirus, causing swelling, redness, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, fever, dysphonia (hoarseness); * Elimination of the inflammatory process of the throat, tonsils; * Elimination of inflammatory processes of the larynx (laryngitis) as a result of alcohol consumption, stress on the vocal apparatus (teachers, speakers, artists); * Elimination of abnormal growths in the throat, warts; * Elimination of pain symptoms, difficulty in swallowing. Native Complex Spray contains bioactive components of a natural origin, showing additional regulatory and restorative effect on the immune function and, bronchopulmonary, digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, urogenital systems: * for mycotic infections of the digestive and urogenital systems; * In case of violation of blood cleansing properties (blood and lymph cleansing); * In case of violation of metabolism, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, increased formation of low density lipoprotein; * In atherosclerotic vascular disorders; * In case of violation of mental and emotional status – irritability, apathy, depression; * In violation of the functions and status of the respiratory system; * Sleep disorders, insomnia; * When toxicosis drug and food allergens, allergic reactions. Ingredients: native concentrates sage seeds Marshmallow, seeds of anise, birch bark, color elderberry juice heather, cherry juice, cranberry juice, seabuckthorn concentrate root juice and herbs, geraniums, Cordyceps concentrate clover, Lapacho, holly, zoogloeas, ognovki bee , balm, thyme, the bitter buckwheat, rye seed, elecampane root, kidney spruce, partitions walnut, Thlaspi, nettle, amaranth seed, thistle seed, primrose, stone oil, musk beaver mummies. Dosing adults and children 12 years: using a spray dispenser 1-2 pressing the atomizer spray applied to the inflamed area of the throat, tonsils, swallow. Apply 3 times a day. Recommended reception for 30 minutes before eating. Native microdroplet spray are unaltered natural shape of the molecular structures of plants, contain no preservatives, drugs, synthetic, genetically modified substances, hormones, have no teratogenic, do not violate the memory and attention, hypoallergenic, perhaps their use for children from 1 year and pregnant women. Dosing children of 1 to 3 years: using a spray dispenser 1 by pressing the atomizer spray applied to the inflamed area of the throat, tonsils, swallow. Apply 1 time a day. Recommended reception for 30 minutes before eating. Dosing children from 3 to 6: using a spray dispenser 1 by pressing the atomizer spray applied to the inflamed area of the throat, tonsils, swallow. Apply 2 times a day. Recommended reception for 30 minutes before eating. Dosing for children from 6 to 12 years: using the spray dispenser 1-2 pressing the atomizer spray applied to the inflamed area of the throat, tonsils, swallow. Apply 2 times a day. Recommended reception for 30 minutes before eating. Native biogenic complex has complete solubility in the cellular fluids and an additional influence on the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity and intestines, skin tone and vascular permeability, has regulating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory action: * at infringement oral flora and intestine accompanying changes in the functions and states of the oral cavity, digestive system – helps to regulate digestion, prevention of diarrheal processes, bloating, disorders and motor cleaning of functions of the gastrointestinal tract; * In violation of the tone of blood vessels – prevents vegetososudistye violations headache; * In violation status nasal passages – helps eliminate stagnant processes; * In violation of the hearing – prevents hearing loss; * At infringement oral microflora, oral infections, unpleasant odor – helps to eliminate sources of infection, bacteria, strengthens the gums, and prevents bleeding purulent processes; * With herpes virus infection – prevents the manifestation of infection on the lips; * For dental caries – prevents dentin destruction by neutralizing the infection sources; * While reducing the immune functions of the body – it helps to restore the activity of immune cells bodies; * At ulcer of digestive system processes – promotes regeneration of mucosal cells, elimination of infections that are the cause of ulcerative process, elimination of bleeding of internal organs of the digestive system. The oral cavity is a first object of ingress and reproduction of bacteria and infections. Applications of spray helps to neutralize native possible infections and microorganisms, preventing them from getting into the bloodstream and the occurrence of local or general inflammation of organs or tissues, inflammatory related disorders, mycotic, bacterial character. The product is natural, it does not contain any additives and improvers. There may be a slight opalescence and the loss of sediment, which do not affect the quality, safety and effect of the spray. The spray does not cause addiction. Tastes bitter vegetable, helps to restore the natural taste receptors in the tongue, touch and smell. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Once opened, should be stored in refrigerator for up to 1 year. Shelf life: 2 years. Volume: 30 ml
Weight | 0.05 kg |
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