Ginseng pill of antlers – this is a real treasure that will help fully restore sexual potential, feel an extraordinary surge of strength.
Naturally, one pill does not solve the problem, the treatment process should take a long time. But if you aspire to get an eternal impregnation than nothing, without causing harm to the body – then this drug is made just for you! Only men who have never experienced dysfunction of the reproductive system can consider themselves truly happy. р>
Indications for use: Prosperia; scanty or altogether lack of ejaculation; dysfunction of the reproductive system as a whole; lack of attraction to the opposite sex; prostatitis; impotence; dissatisfaction with the size of the sexual organ; all existing problems with the pelvic organs.
Ginseng; antlers; penis (bull, deer, fur seal); rhizome kupena Kinga and other plant herbs, there are about 20 of them.
How to use
Take 1 pill, approximately 10 – 15 minutes before the start of the intended sexual intercourse, but not more often than once every three days. The pill should be thoroughly chewed and washed down with a small amount of liquid. For prevention and treatment: 1/2 pills every three days, for two, and preferably three months. р>
Allergy sufferers, women who have not reached puberty, women.
10 balls. Shelf life: 2 years. р>
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