Appointment of a cosmetic product: for hands, body; Age limit: 16+; Action: recovery, healing, anti-cracking; Packaging Height: 11.6 cm; Packaging Width: 3.5 cm; Item capacity: 10 ml; Weight unpackaged (g): 31 g; Weight Product packaging (g): 31 g; Components: a tube; Brand Country: Russia; Country of origin: Russia Indications: cracks in mechanical and domestic injuries, fungal infections and diseases soprovzhdayuschihsya dry and sensitive skin (diabetes, menopause, dermatitis). Which is part of a universal set of glutamic acid and growth factor restores the structural and mechanical properties of the epidermis, stimulating the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Panthenol, folic acid, beeswax and vegetable maslasposobstvuyut rapid healing and skin softening. Essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, and have antifungal and refreshing effect. Dosing: applied locally 2-3 times a day in the region of cracks.
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