Properties: biologically active substances of beekeeping products and herbal components of the balm have a powerful antiparasitic and blood-purifying effect, destroy parasites at various stages of their development (relieve blood, intestines, liver and the whole body from parasites and their larvae), cleanse the body (actively removes toxins, carcinogens , toxins, cleanse the blood from the decay products of tumors and vital activity of parasites), stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen immunity, help restore the human body’s resistance to helminthic invasions, infectious, viral and oncological diseases, strengthen the immune system, stimulate cardiovascular activity, increase protective properties organism in relation to bacterial and viral diseases.
Effective for intestinal infections, helminthic invasions, residual residual manifestations of parasites; allergic diseases (food, medicinal); dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis); intoxication and slagging of the body.
They are a source of exceptional natural antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, contain tannins, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
Method of application: only for adults, starting with ½ teaspoon, drinking a little water, 2-3 times a day, after 30 minutes. after eating, during the first five days. Then 1 teaspoon twice a day (morning and afternoon) with a little water. The term of admission is 35-40 days.
Storage conditions: store in a cool dry place, at a temperature not exceeding +25 0С.
Expiration date: 360 days from the date of manufacture. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month after opening. Slight sediment is allowed.
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