“Bobrodok” with Potentilla – natural native means poliaktivnogo action based nutrient complex concentrate rhizomes Potentilla white and active structures natural components aimed at regulation of thyroid hormone synthesis, preventing the destruction of the thyroid gland and inflammatory cells viral, parasitic, bacterial, autoimmune factors in excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. Biogenic complex comprises unmodified natural forms of active structures and natural components of plants having complete solubility in the cellular fluids and blood, bioavailability, compatibility with peptides thyroid tissue cells poliaktivnym regulatory effect on the levels of occurrence of primary, secondary and tertiary thyroid disorders. Nutrient complex manifests a complex action when: * hyperthyroidism caused by the dysfunction and state of the thyroid gland, the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland; * An increase in thyroid inflammatory; * Nodules on the thyroid gland; * Inflammation of the thyroid gland viral and autoimmune processes; * Accompanying symptoms organ disorders of the nervous, digestive, immune, cardiovascular, skeletal and muscular systems, vision. Poliaktivny complex designed with the features and functions of the state of the child’s body metabolism, the nervous status, immune and digestive systems. Poliaktivny complex is recommended for the prevention of disorders of the thyroid gland with hereditary factors, when available, and violations of the state of the thyroid gland and symptoms of disorders. Nutrient composition of the concentrate becomes active when absorbable form a joint reception with a solution of the activator, providing multifaceted effect on the thyroid gland, pituitary and hypothalamic functions contributing to the prevention of pathological disorders of the thyroid gland and condition. Composition: activator composition: native oils and concentrates amaranth seed, Shiitake, Pumpkin, Veselka, castor, Potentilla, grape seeds, herbs lofanta, Gaba Alishan, buckwheat bitter, lemongrass, micelles fruit fungus body of Reishi, foxes, fruit of elderberry, Galleria mellonella , Poterium spinosum, corn stigmas, micelles nettle, rosehip, hawthorn, royal jelly. concentrate Composition: native concentrates Potentilla, persimmon, woodlice, hawthorn, galega, lemon, ginseng, rose hips, reishi, fungus, onions, sea, dandelion, beets, strawberries, eyebright, artichoke, holly, usnei, Lapacho, broccoli, oats, hazelnuts, parsley, zherushnika, stone oil, grapefruit juice. Dosing children of 1 to 3 years: 0.5 ingest measuring spoon (2.5 ml) and 1 activator dose (1 vial pressing) on an empty stomach 2 times a day with a warm fluid. Dosing children from 3 to 6: 0.5 ingest measuring spoon (2.5 ml) and 1 activator dose (1 vial pressing) on an empty stomach three times per day with a warm fluid. Dosing children from 6 to 9 years: ingest one measuring spoon (5ml) and 1 dose of the activator (1 pressing the bottle) on an empty stomach 2 times a day with a warm fluid. Dosing for children from 9 to 12 years: ingest one measuring spoon (5ml) and 1 dose of the activator (1 pressing the bottle) on an empty stomach three times per day with a warm fluid. Admission Course – 30 days. Recommended 3 courses per year. Native biogenic smoothie-syrup “Bobrodok” is a natural natural biocompatible micelle complex, contains no drugs, synthetic, genetically modified substances, hormones, preservatives, non-addictive, has no adverse side effects, sedative and hypnotic action, does not violate the memory, attention, has directed action at the individual causes, symptoms and concomitant changes in the urinary system. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years. Volume: 50 ml. TU 9185-049-67104832-15 Syrup concentrated vegetable “Bobrodok” with bloodroot.
Weight | 0.162 kg |
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