“Bobrodok” with black cumin – natural native means poliaktivnogo action based nutrient complex seed concentrate, black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) and active structures natural components aimed at neutralizing the sources of bacterial infection of the bladder, urethra, kidney, prevention of complications and related disorders of the urogenital organs and the state of the immune, endocrine and digestive systems. Poliaktivny complex designed with the features and functions of the state of the urinary, immune and endocrine systems of the body of children, has a natural regulating effect if: * the infectious, inflammation of the bladder caused by Escherichia coli, bacteria of the genus Proteus, staphylococci; * Mochesolevom diathesis; * Accompanying symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen, itching, swelling, painful urination, fever); * Kidney disease infectious etiology; * Renal failure; * Frequent urination; * Nephroptosis. Natural complex “Bobrodok” with black cumin contains the natural formula poliaktivnogo action having biocompatibility with cellular structures, a complete dissolving in the bloodstream, bioavailability, while regulating effect on the function of cellular immunity and condition of the urogenital tract in children contributes to: * neutralization sources of bacterial bladder infections, staphylococcal infections and intestinal organs of the digestive system, causing inflamed tionary process bladder; * Eliminate the inflammation of the urinary channel as a result of neutralizing the accumulation of bacterial infection in the urinary tract; * Inflammatory renal elimination process by neutralization of bacterial infection in renal tissue sources; * Increase of the activity of immune cells of tissues, prevent tissue chronic inflammation of the bladder and kidney; * Increase the body’s resistance to external and internal adverse factors; * Elimination of pain and cramps in the lower abdomen; * Eliminate the burning sensation in the urinary canals; * Elimination of pain during urination; * Eliminate the pain of the spine of the lower divisions of the pelvic organs; * Regulation of functions and condition of the urinary system when colds, prevention of inflammation; * Prevention of weakness of the bladder wall tone as a result of infectious, endocrine factors, increased physical activity, psycho-emotional, stress factors; * Cleanse the blood and lymph of medicinal, food toxins, metabolic products; * Cleanse the genito-urinary channels; * Improvement of renal filtration; * Regulation of urgency of urination; * Prevention of metabolic disorders, formation of oxalate. Ingredients: native concentrates black cumin (Nigella sativa), ervy woolly, fruits, elderberries, cranberries, rose hips, grass bearberry leaves, cranberries, Cordyceps, native concentrates lovage, St. John’s wort, parsley, birch bark, larch bark, centaury, golden rod (Solidaginis herba ), horseradish, linden flowers, roots psyllium orthosiphon, osmanthus, nasturtium, gryzhnika, lespedeza, harrow, couch grass, horsetail, nettle, kipreya, camomile, yarrow, marigold, musk beaver, stone oil, propolis, cedar oleoresin. Nutrient composition of the concentrate becomes fully active when absorbable form a joint reception with the activator solution having bioavailability and diverse effects on the immune cell functions, a neutralizing action on bacterial infection sources, regulatory effect on drainage, filtration, homeostatic functions of the urinary system. Activator Ingredients: native oils and concentrates amaranth seed, Shiitake, Pumpkin, Veselka, castor oil, black cumin, grape seeds, herbs lofanta, Gaba Alishan, buckwheat bitter, lemongrass, micelles fruit fungus body of Reishi, foxes, fruit of elderberry, Galleria mellonella, Poterium spinosum, corn stigmas, micelles nettle, rosehip, hawthorn, royal jelly. Dosing children of 1 to 3 years: 0.5 ingest measuring spoon (2.5 ml) and 1 activator dose (1 vial pressing) on an empty stomach 2 times a day with a warm fluid. Dosing children from 3 to 6: 0.5 ingest measuring spoon (2.5 ml) and 1 activator dose (1 vial pressing) on an empty stomach three times per day with a warm fluid. Dosing children from 6 to 9 years: ingest one measuring spoon (5ml) and 1 dose of the activator (1 pressing the bottle) on an empty stomach 2 times a day with a warm fluid. Dosing children from 9 to 12 years: ingest one measuring spoon (5ml) and 1 dose of the activator (1 pressing the bottle) on an empty stomach three times per day with a warm fluid. Admission Course – 30 days. Recommended 3 courses per year. Biogenic formula “Bobrodok” with black cumin has additional controlling effect on the immune status of the organs cells, metabolic, digestive functions, improves drainage and cleansing properties kidney, blood, lymph, total elimination of toxicity, fatigue, irritability. Native biogenic smoothie concentrate “Bobrodok” is a natural natural biocompatible micelle complex contains no drug, synthetic, genetically modified substances, hormones, preservatives, non-addictive, has no adverse side effects, sedative and hypnotic action is not penalized for memory, attention, has directed action at the individual causes, symptoms and concomitant changes in the urinary system. Storage conditions: stored at a temperature not higher than 25? C. Shelf life: 2 years. Volume: 50 ml of concentrated syrup TU 9185-049-67104832-15 floral “Bobrodok” black cumin.
Weight | 0.162 kg |
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