Appointment of cosmetic products: body; Age limit: 16+; Action: anti-inflammatory; Package depth: 14 cm; packing height: 14 cm; Packaging Width: 5 cm; Item capacity: 75 ml; Weight unpackaged (g): 75 g; Weight Product packaging (g): 75 g; Options: balm; Brand Country: Russia; Country of origin: Russia Balm “Icelandic moss” helps to carefully cope with a runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, headache and other symptoms of colds and flu is suitable for complex treatment! Body Balm is prepared on the basis of Icelandic moss. Icelandic moss itself is not Icelandic, as one might think initially, and grow in Siberia! He is a natural antibiotic and contribute to the removal of any inflammatory processes in the body, especially the respiratory system and throat!
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